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The Diary of Luna - Dog, family member and enthusiastic adventurer! Part 5

The Diary of Luna - Dog, family member and enthusiastic adventurer! Part 5

Learning to be the Best Version of Myself!

You would think that being trained was boring and repetitive, but if treats and praises are involved it becomes me favourite time! My owners may call their method positive reinforcement, I call it yummy rewards and loving hugs time! I have learned to ‘Sit’, ‘Stay’, ‘Fetch’ and ‘Juggle’, all in just two weeks! Okay, maybe the juggling bit is not true, but I am sure I could learn to do it, if given enough time and encouragement :)

Creative Pet Alliance: Training is essential to a dogs development and growth, but it is also a valuable bonding experience between the dog and its owner. A particularly useful training aid for this, is the iEnergy ELI Training Belt with an easy accessible main pouch for treats and additional inner and outer pocket, which are suitable for things like mobile phones, keys and poop bags (Luna - or even more treats! :) ).

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