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The Diary of Luna - Dog, family member and enthusiastic adventurer! Part 3

The Diary of Luna - Dog, family member and enthusiastic adventurer! Part 3

Me, Myself and I

I am very much a tomboy, loving to explore and having adventures with my human family and we are often accompanied on these exciting trips by my two best friends; Pharaoh, a regal type whippet of unknown noble heritage and a magnificent husky called Rupert, who is super cool and likes to go by the name of ‘Ice-bone’.

We have all been on many epic adventures together, like ‘The Case of the Missing Sock’ and ‘Who Murdered Mr Chicken my Chew Toy!’, but they are stories for another day!

As for me, what am I like? Well, I once thought I heard Herr Patrick talking about me, saying I was well designed, practical, performs well and very good value for money. But it turns out he was talking about his iEnergy range of dog accessory, that he had designed himself and was now successfully selling online across the world.

I should have known he was not describing me, for if he were, he would of surely included the phrases ‘incredibly handsome’ and ‘Oh so very intelligent’! :)

And I very much pride myself on using the best words possible when expressing myself, I even tried once to eat an entire pocket size dictionary, in an attempt to feed a better vocabulary to my brain. But it did not go down too well with my human owners and I am forever banned from eating books ever again! :(

And whenever I am in need of advice or guidance in life, the ever wise Creative Pet Alliance has always been there for me, providing practical solutions to many of my needs as I have gone about my life and adventuring :)

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